Grooming Salon
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Dental Clinic
About Us
The Inspiration
San Gabriel Valley Sasquatch Dog Society
Indicates required field
Your Name
[object Object]
Your Phone Number
Your E-mail Address
Your Pet's Name
If you have more than one pet, please submit separate forms for each.
What Breed or Mix of Dog/Cat Do you Have?
Please tell us a little about your pet, including any health or behavioral issues, and any skin/coat concerns.
Upload A Pic of Your Pet!
Max file size: 20MB
If you would like to upload a picture of your pet, it can help us to get an idea of your pet's coat type and condition, which would help us determine whether we have the ability to fit them into our staff's grooming schedule. ....... And we also love seeing doggie and kitty pictures!
How old is your pet? (appx. if unknown)
Why you are searching for a new groomer? If your pet has not been to the groomer yet, please let us know!
How often do you typically have your pet groomed?
Every 1-2 weeks
Every 3-4 weeks
Every 5-6 weeks
Every 7-8 weeks
Every 9-10 weeks
Every 11+ weeks
My pet has not been professionally groomed yet.
What service are you looking to book?
Bath + Haircut
Side Services (Nails / Ears / Sanitary Trim)
Do you have any ongoing scheduling restrictions?
No Mondays
No Tuesdays
No Wednesdays
No Thursdays
No Fridays
No Saturdays
Open Availability
R&G Pet Spa is Closed on Sundays
Grooming Salon
Grooming Salon Menu
Waiting List
Book An Appointment
Grooming Services Agreement
Remote Payment
Dental Clinic
About Us
The Inspiration
San Gabriel Valley Sasquatch Dog Society